ویدیو عکاسی
Photoshop — Subtract shape from another shape tutorial CC 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 etc

Methods to subtract a shape from another shape – two current shapes mixed / subtracted in Photoshop CC – 2021 2020 CS6 etc
Extra movies, @Graphicxtras.com
Extra video on subtract shape etc in Photoshop in addition to
Set operations in Photoshop reminiscent of subtract
0:00 Introduction to the subtract shape from another shape
0:13 Create ellipse shape
0:24 Create another ellipse shape (may very well be any shape)
0:38 Mix shapes and subtract entrance shape command
1:11 Finish of subtract shape from another shape tutorial
#photoshop #photoshoptutorial #photoshopbeginners